Monday, April 30, 2007

Dot, dot, dot

Well, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has commented lately. I appreciated all of you who commented on the Cheney post (especially my SIL Cass, who I didn’t expect to weigh in – very articulate and well-thought comments). In a way, I guess I’m also irked that it takes a post like that to get some activity on my blog. But, hey, I’ll be realistic…my life isn’t all that enthralling to the world, but I’m glad that it’s a good time-killer at work and school…and apparently my stay-at-home-mom base is growing. :)

Do you ever feel that life is so exhausting, and yet when people ask how things are, or what’s new in your life, you just sit back and say, “Oh, nothing?”

And finally a congratulations to Cass and James for their graduation from BYU. They actually graduated last year, but marched in the most recent commencement excercises…and who knows…perhaps they saw Mr. Cheney speak? :)


Anonymous said...

I love your Blog! you and Mrs. Ronk are the only ones that seem to update frequently. Keep it up, I'd be bored without the updates! :-) Hollywood

Mrs Andy said...

I get the "Oh Nothing" comment. I feel like that most of the time, because it would take too long to say how I really feel and to explain the emotional soup that churns inside of me most days. It's the easier of my options.

I check you every don't give up!